A residential address and phone number directory combined with tools for prospecting consumers with Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Do Not Call List (CRTC DNCL) subscription integration.
An up-to-date online phone number and address directory with millions of records, searchable by map and criteria. Easily search, build marketing lists, track calls, and export data to integrated platforms and programs such as Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, or any other program that can import standard file formats.
The platform is designed to support the prospecting activities of individuals and teams. Enterprises have features for managing users with access to features across the organization, including access to CRTC DNCL subscriptions and account levels.
Phone numbers are automatically checked against the national do not call list with access to a valid Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Do Not Call List (CRTC DNCL) subscription. Users can also check and validate single and batches of phone numbers against the DNCL.
Generate leads and business by prospecting consumers using tools designed for maximum productivity and compliance with advertising and marketing regulations. Open the Phone Directory & Do Not Call List website.